Convergence of memory and storage



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What is Software Defined Memory?
Software-Define Memory (SDM) is a converged memory and storage architecture that is dynamic, manageable, cost-effective, and adaptable, allowing faster response times, making it ideal to power In-Memory applications. This architecture decouples the management and allocation of storage from the data access path enabling the application to access memory as if it was storage and storage as if it was memory. This level of abstraction enables SDM to deliver enterprise data services transparently without impacting performance and regardless the access semantic. Multiple storage tiers can be leveraged to balance both performance and cost.

Unified Storage Hierarchy
The SDM architecture can use variety of storage and memory devices like volatile DRAM as well as non-volatile RAM such as NVDIMM-N and the recently announced Intel/Micron 3D XPoint new memory device. SDM also incorporates traditional storage media such as Flash and high capacity spinning disk drives into a single unified persistent high capacity converged hierarchy.